The homestead

CharKuu 102 came to life by accident. We just wanted to clear land for our gardens and found that pigs were the perfect rototillers.  After our first summer we fell in love with having animals on the property and we haven’t looked back.


We are located just outside the beautiful city of Thunder Bay.  Our homestead is on 115 acres in the middle of the Boreal Forest.

We have built two barns on the property over the past few years.  The first is a south facing timber frame barn that hosts weddings in the summer.  It receives full sunlight throughout the day allowing our guests to experience what the forest has to offer.  The second barn is located beside our pig pasture in a stand of mature poplar trees away from the venue.  We don’t believe our animals should be confined to just the barn.  Our hogs are allowed to come and go as they please.  We built the second barn with the animals in mind, giving them the space they need and deserve.

CharKuu 102 prides themselves in making friends and partnerships with local business’s.  We believe in “supporting local” and partnered up with Dyson Fine Home Contracting to help us with our build.  The two brothers followed our “dirt drawn plans” perfectly and our guests and animals now have beautiful buildings to enjoy

Farm to Table-62


We decided to raise heritage breed pigs because they are a perfect suit for the Boreal Forest.  The old school original pig can stand up to our rugged northern climate like no other.

Our pig pastures have moved and grown in size every year since the beginning.  Each year we increase the amount of hogs we raise and that means increasing the size of the pasture.  Our animals are treated with the upmost respect and we believe a happy animal will deliver the best tasting product.

Our heritage breed pigs are pasture raised and have acres of land to forage on.  We dont’ give our pigs any antibiotics or steroids like some of the products you find in the grocery store.  Our pigs are natural from the boreal forest.
